MPOnStage Top Banner for Tickets

  1. Download audition Packet

  2. You can use our online audition sign-up sheet to sign up for an available slot.  If you have any problems with the online form you can still call (609) 882-2292 or E-mail  to schedule an audition time.

  3. Please look over the supplied scenes for each role. We ask that you audition with one of these scenes. You may also be asked to do a cold reading from the script.

  4. Please print and fill out the audition form.  Please bring it with you to the audition.
    (forms will also be available at the audition)

  5. If you don ’t fill out the audition form before arriving be prepared to list all rehearsal conflicts from July 15 through October 12th.

  6. Bring resume and a recent photo, neither will be returned.

  7. Rehearsals will be weekly starting within two weeks of the auditions. We are planning three rehearsals (Two evenings and one weekend afternoon) per week. The schedule will be based on cast availability. Not everyone will be needed for every rehearsal. Call sheets will be made available to the cast to tell you which rehearsals you will need to attend

  8. All cast members will be required to assist at load in and load out.




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