MPOnStage Top Banner for Tickets

  1. You can now use our online audition sign-up sheet. If you don’t have access to a computer or if you have any problems you can still call (609) 882-2292 or email to schedule an audition time. If all the audition slots are full and you wish to audition for the show please call and we will try to set up another time.

  2. Actors auditioning for the role of Boolie must audition with one of the audition monologues provided. Actors auditioning for the parts of Daisy or Hoke are required to audition with two of the monologues provide in the audition packet (and posted online). These monologues have been specifically chosen to show different sides of these multi-faceted characters. We are asking that you present two monologues to in order to demonstrate that you can reveal the character’s different sides.


  3. Actors must sign up for a specific 15 minute audition appointment and arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of their audition time. PLEASE DO NOT BE LATE! If you discover on the day of your audition that you can't make your scheduled time, please call 609-213-6582 to schedule a new time.

  4. Please download the audition packet from our website print out the forms, complete them at home and bring them with you to the audition(forms will also be available at the audition).

  5. Bring a copy of your theatre resume and a recent photo, neither will be returned. Please note: these are important. Complete and update resumes are appreciated.

  6. If you don’t fill out the audition form before arriving be prepared to list all scheduling conflicts from August November 25th through February 10th. (You should include holidays, work, family commitments, & etc.) As we try to create rehearsal schedules are based on cast availability, it is important that you be honest and thorough! This is a play with 3 actors. If you miss a rehearsal because of a conflict you did not tell us about, we will be forced to cancel the rehearsal. Don’t be the reason your fellow actors are denied a chance to work!

  7. You should expect up to three rehearsals (two evenings and one weekend afternoon) per week. Call sheets will be made available to the cast to tell you which rehearsals you will need to attend. All cast members should plan to be available for daily rehearsals during tech week.

  8. We expect to have the show cast no later than November 14. The first read-through (depending on cast availability) is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, November 25.

  9. All cast members will be required to assist with load in and load out.





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